
The Road to 'Our-Room' pt2: Scenes from a Room

By now, you should all know from where do i take the titles of the entries.

Anyway, this is day two of the work, and the end of it too.
As usually the day start with lots of sleepy workers...
Room 076
This day starts with some new materials, specially paint re-inforcements and some wall-paste too.
Room 085
Mrs P resting... is there anything else she can do? she doesn't have a place to sleep these days...
Room 086
Yeah! our partner arrives... but first he needs to be on touch of the world by reading the news.
Room 091Room 092
Don't panic! the room won't be completely white... this is just a base to paint them later in their final colour.
Room 094Room 095
Yay! the Oil paint do the trick and now there's no spot at all!!!
Room 096
A close up to our new friend
Room 098
And he also did it on the corners!
Room 100

Well, now that those parts are done, the details begin.
Here Luciano works on the windowframe.
Room 101
High places too!
Room 104

yay! great job!
Room 106

Room 105
Room done! Now lets watch a small tour through it...

Shake it!

So long friends.
And lots of love for the other owner of the room. ^^

1 comentarios:

manowce dijo...

great great! :D i love our room, can't wait to see it with my own eyes! love you, my sweet worker (; *^^*